Saturday 3rd May
14:30 Arrivals & Registration Open
16:00 Welcome Session
17:45 Dinner
18:45 Evening Session

21:00 Late night Gig and talk
11:00 Time for Sleep

Sunday 4th May
09:00 Morning Session
11:30 Mass with Bishop Peter
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Q and A with Bishop Peter
14:40 Workshops / Activities
16:45 Barbecue + Open Mic
20:30 Celebration Disco

23:00 Time for sleep

Monday 5th May
0700 Breakfast
0800 Take down tents and clear site, load coach
0930 Depart (those not going to Walsingham)
10:00 Depart (those going to Walsingham)
11:30 Arrive in Walsingham
12:00 Walk from Friday Market
13:00 Lunch, confessions, visitng Walsingham etc.
15:00 Mass
17:00 Finish (or earlier)