Where is the Ignite Festival held?
The festival is heled at St. Benedict's School, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 6RH. We are extremely grateful to the school for hosting us.
Whet are the start and finish times?
Arrivals are from 2:30pm on Saturday 3rd May, to allow time to pitch tents etc. before starting at 4:00pm. The festival ends at 10:30pm on Sunday 5th May but we encourage everyone to stay the night and leave after breakfast the folllowing morning by 9:30am. For those who would like to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham (coach provided from Bury to Walsingham on the Weekend + Pilgrimage ticket), they can be picked up from Walsingham Slipper Chapel at 5pm.
Can I come for a single day or part of a day rather than the whole weekend?
Yes you can attend for all or part of the Ignite Festival Weekend and the Pilgrimage to Walsingham on the Monday is optional. However, we highly recommend coming for the whole thing! Feedback over the past few years has taught us that those who come for at least the Saturday and Sunday rather than just a day have a much more profound experience, as the weekend is designed to take people on a journey.
What time does each evening finish and can parents come and pick up rather than young people camp?
The programme finishes at 10:30 each night , and then there is a relaxed atmosphere with time to wind down before bed. It's often at these times that profound conversations take place! However, parents are welcome to come and pick up each evening if they would prefer.
Someone in my Confirmation group has a family wedding that weekend. Will it be OK if they don't come?
Bishop Peter expects everyone preparing for Confirmation to come as part of their preparation, not as an optional extra. However, of course if there is a really good genuine reason such a family wedding or GCSEs the following week etc. then it's understandable if people can't come for some of it or even have to miss it all together.
How do I pay for the tickets?
Groups can either have paid online at the time of booking or will be sent an invoice. If you are a parish group, this will be sent directly to your parish after the Festival. People who have booked as individuals will have paid online at the time of booking. Booking will go live on March 1st 2024.
Is there minimum age limit of who can come to the Ignite Festival?
Ignite is for everyone in Year 8 upwards and especially for everyone preparing for Confirmation.
Can I bring my family to the Ignite Festival?
Sadly no – the site can only safely accommodate a limited number and we are anticipating we will reach this limit with those in Year 8 up to age 18 (and accompanying leaders), and Confirmation groups, which is the target age of the Festival.
Is there an upper age limit of who can come to the Ignite Festival?
Yes. The Ignite Festival is designed for under 18 year olds with three exceptions:
a. If you are bringing a group of young people
b. If you preparing for Confirmation
c. If you are willing to assist with general duties over the weekend you can apply to come as a volunteer- please get in touch.
In these situations 18 year olds and over are very welome!
Will Parental Consent Forms be required?
Yes – for all youth under the age of 18 years will need a parental consent form.
Will there be a vegetarian option for meals?
I have food allergies – can I have a special meal?
All meals supplied will be free from nut or shellfish which are common allergies. For those who have other allergies, please notify us. If we can not accommodate specific dietary requirements we will let you know.
Which meals are provided during the weekend?
Saturday – Evening Dinner
Sunday – Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Dinner
Monday - Breakfast, packed lunch for those on the walk
Can I buy additional food on site during the weekend?
There will be a tuck shop selling other food and drink items at specific times during the weekend. All purchases are by cash only so please ensure you bring sufficient money with you.
Is transportation to and from the event provided?
No. Please arrange your transportation to and from the Festival. However, if you are having difficulty arrranging transport please get in touch and we will halp if we can.
Is there parking at St. Benedicts School?
Yes, there is ample parking, although we anticipate most people will be dropped off and picked up.
Where will I be sleeping?
In true festival style, accommodation is camping. Please arrange to bring camping tents with you and all necessary equipment to put these up. You are responsible for setting up and dismantling your own tents, although there will be stewards eho will help. There will be separate areas for male and female. Please note tents can only be shared by people of the same gender and to comply with child protection guidelines, we cannot allow under 18 year olds and over 18 year olds to share a tent.
Is there any alternative to camping?
Camping adds to the 'festival feeling', and most young people find it fun. For leaders who don't want to camp, there is limited floor space available in classrooms etc. However, at least one leader for each group needs to be sleeping in the proximity of their group for supervision.
The Diocesan Youth Service is committed to running an event that is as safe as possible but we ask group leaders and catechists to supervise their groups in the same way as they would if they took them to any other event or retreat. Wie ask that at least one leader (dependent on appropriate safeguardng ratios being met) accompanies their group. Usually this would be a catechist, but could also be a teacher, parish priest or any responsible adult with an up-to-date DBS check. Sometime parishes have different leaders on a 'rota' covering different times of the festival.
If the confirmation group is of mixed gender and only one Catechist can come (or is a different gender to the group), firstly we suggest you join up with another group so a group with a male leader join up with a nearby parish group with a female leader. If that's not possible, then we will assign someone to help look after a group - this could be someone from the wider organising team. Similarly if groups really can't come with a catechist or individuals are coming, we will assign group leaders to look after them.
However, the expecation is that groups come with their own leaders whenever possible, so the organising team can focus on running the event itself. There is also a sense of Catechists journeying with the young people and experiencing what they experience.
Is there security on site?
There will be volunteers on site who will be providing security support throughout the day and night times.
Is there medical support on site?
We will have a trained First Aider.
Is there somewhere to lock my personal belongings be kept during the weekend?
There is no lockable storage available and therefore you are advised not to bring valuable items with you or to keep valuable items with you at all times.