Parental Consent Forms for Group Leaders
If you are bringing a group of young people to the Ignite Festival (or any other event), as well as booking you will need to have parental consent for each young person. As a group leader, we ask you to keep hold of these and just pass on any information that will help us plan the best event possible such as dietary requirements or any speial needs. You do not need to do the parental consent at the same time as booking tickets - just ensure they are done before coming to the festival.
Below are templates for paper forms and an online version of parental consent forms. They are very detailed (and you may consider too detailed!), but we have to use these forms to be compliant with National Safeguarding Guidelines.
Online parental consent form template
This is the template for an online version of the parental consent form that you can customise for you own use. You will need a Microsoft Office account to do this and collect the responses. If you re not familiar with how to do this, we will shortly be uploading a video about it.
Paper Parental consent forms templates
Weekend plus pilgrimage to Walsingham